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Enhancing the quality of life
We are learning every day that there are ways in which people with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of life and even build impressive power, strength, flexibility and speed.

Specialized exercise programs
Rock Steady Boxing is a specialized exercise program designed for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Prior to class participation, we ask that you please download and complete the forms and bring them to your first assessment.
Opportunities to socialize and inspire brain activity
Our PD Clubhouse is a monthly FREE event open to everyone in the Parkinson's community. It is an opportunity to socialize, inspire brain activity and possibly create new neural pathways through novel experience.

The Santa Fe PD Action Group has joined POP Santa Fe
The Santa Fe Parkinson’s Disease Action Group has joined forces with POP Santa Fe and become the POP Santa Fe Action Initiative! This important enterprise serves the Parkinson’s Disease community in Santa Fe, Taos, and Northern New Mexico via in-person and on-line events relevant to their concerns.

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